Painted Lady on Red Valerian, Home patch, 2022
My fledgling list of wildflowers seen in the garden ...
I have decided to build on a previous list of wildflowers found in our suburban Suffolk garden. Having begun by date of sighting, it seems sense to continue to record in this way.
If you would like to see my garden list of creatures, you will find it here. And these are the flowers:
1. Daisy (20 February 2021)
2. Violet (18 March 2021)
3. Chickweed (19 March 2021)
4. Dandelion (19 March 2021)
5. Herb Robert (9 April 2021)
6. Red valerian (29 March 2021)
7. Goosegrass (with white flowers) (21 May 2021)
8. Buttercup (21 May 2021)
9. Red dead nettle (21 May 2021)
10. Common storksbill (24 May 2021)
11. Red clover (25 May 2021)
12. Poppy (9 June 2023)
13. Small Flowered Cranesbill (9 June 2023)
14. Lesser trefoil (9 June 2023)
15. Wood forget-me-not (9 June 2023)
16. Wood avens (9 June 2023)
17. Purple oxalis (9 May 2023)
18. Aquilegia (?vulgaris) (9 May 2023)
19. Common ragwort (25 May 2024)
20. Pink valerian (25 May 2024)
21. Ribwort plantain (25 May 2024)
22. Bramble/Blackberry flower (25 May 2024)
23. Common cat's ear (25 May 2024)
24. Harebell (25 May 2024)
25. Sow thistle (25 May 2024)
26. Ivy (25 May 2024)