Angle Shades |
I am not very good at moth identification, and while this Angle Shades looked familiar, I was grateful to the folk on iSpot who gave me a nudge in the right direction. The moth was resting, which apparently they often do out in the open during daylight hours. It looked to me as if it had strung a couple of grass blades together, but I may be mistaken.
I apologise for the fractured quality of the photograph below, but I wanted to see if a 'full frontal' would help me to see what the moth was doing.
Angle Shades, head-on |
I always keep an eye out for the iridescent Ruby-tailed Wasp at this time of year, and was not disappointed, though it took me two attempts to end up with the record shot you see below. These insects are small (about 1cm in length), skittish and flighty. Cuckoo wasps may not be my top insects, but you have to admire the colours!
I always find I lose a bit of damselfly knowledge over the winter, so I hope we see a few more to get my ID skills back up to speed. Having had a Small Red sighting last week, it was lovely to discover this blue specimen (or is it the Azure?) on the woodbine after a rain shower.
Damselfly |
I usually find Mint Moths give me a run for my money as, like the Ruby-tailed Wasp, they flit about and are hard to photograph. But this one rested for some time on the large ox-eye daisy-like flower below.
Mint Moth |