The Water Vole on my previous post may have been the highlight of our visit to Minsmere this last weekend, but there were many other lovely things on offer. Spring is burgeoning and the willows and birches are bursting forth.
We were really hoping to see Bearded tits, but it was the afternoon and like a number of other birds, they were deep in the reedbeds. Every so often we heard the distinctive 'ping', but they eluded us. We were told we should get there much earlier in the day.
Bearded tit - from last year. Such fabulous birds ... |
There was quite a gathering in the woods on the way to Island Mere and we were told that the excitement had been caused by a female Blackcap, not that you can tell very easily from my photo!
We nearly always hear the Green Woodpecker's yaffle. This time we only saw one, and it was a fair distance away, almost beyond the reach of my zoom, so apologies for the blurry image below.
This handsome Snipe had perched in the reeds a short distance from the Island Mere hide.
We were able to get a good view through the open windows.
I could award these two in the photo below the 'noisy' prize, but perhaps that should go to the Little Grebe!
A couple of Marsh Harriers were flying high over us in the thermals.
The photo below shows the view from the BBC Springwatch cabin, looking down towards Island Mere. The sea is off to the left, beyond the confines of this photo, where - unfortunately - the view is rudely interrupted by the white dome of Sizewell Power Station.
The path back to the entrance to the reserve was very muddy. How about this for a sign ...
We called in at Snape Maltings on our way home, unable to resist a quick photo of the rainbow over the reedbeds ...