Welcome to my
Tree Following post for May. What a lot of transformations have taken place this month.
But before we take a look, I just want to add that these tree posts form part of a wider project run by Lucy Corrander from the
Loose and Leafy blog. I am following a Silver Birch,
B. pendula, in Suffolk, UK and what has up to now remained something of a mystery tree. You will find the other Tree Follower links on the
Loose and Leafy blog ... so do take the chance to catch up with happenings in the arboreal world!
[1] My new tree for 2015
Words drafted on 1 May: this tree has changed quite significantly in the last few weeks, but I am still (slightly) unsure of its identification. It was suggested to me that it might be a kind of
Prunus, but I was not totally convinced. It seems to have some Maple aspects, but I do not think it is totally maple-like either! Please let me know if you have further ideas.
Update of 5 May: my latest thought ... could it be an
Ash-leaf Maple (
Acer negundo - also known as Box Elder)? If so, these trees are called
Junk Trees in Michigan because of their prevalence. Despite the name, these trees are not Elders: they belong to the
Sapindaceae group. They are also known as Sugar Ash, Red River Maple and Black Ash.
The shoots are essentially green, but they have a rose-coloured waxy coating in the spring (see two photos down). The leaves are
pinnate (good illustration; though remember, this tree is not an Elder!) in arrangement.
Close-up of new leaf growth, with leaf nodes opposite one another on the stem |
Small tresses of double seed-keys |
As above |
My 'new' 2015 tree |
Part of my initial fascination with the new tree (apart from wanting to identify it) was the fact that, unlike the Silver Birch, it did not seem to attract birds. So far I have only spotted a single feathered creature - a Chaffinch - on its boughs. Perhaps the leaf growth will encourage others. There is an insect on the other side of the Atlantic called the
Western Boxelder Bug.
[2] Silver Birch
The tree has suddenly become a mass of green leaves, but I sense that spring is later at this stage than a year ago - in my home patch at least.
This time last year the tiny Flowering Cherry near the Silver Birch was sporting pale pink flowers and the Ceanothus was distinctly blue. This year they are both still green at this point. However, the Silver Birch is striding towards summer, and I feel its fellow trees and shrubs will follow soon.
Intermittent spells of warm sunshine have brought with them some early insects in the area around the Silver Birch. The photo below shows a Hoverfly (perhaps
The next photo depicts a Green Shieldbug ...
... and I think the next photo may be a
Cereal Leaf Beetle.
Perhaps most exciting (to me) was the discovery of the
Zebra Spider on the decking posts near the Silver Birch. I was keeping a careful look-out as I have occasionally seen Ruby-tailed wasps (see
post for last June - and scroll down a bit) on these posts. I think it is still a bit soon for these 'metallic' insects. However, it was not long before I noticed signs of movement from what appeared at first to be striped ant-like insects. It was only when I blew up the photos that I realised that they were not insects but arachnids on account of their eight legs. You can read about these jumping spiders on the Suffolk Wildlife Trust site
Two spiders attacking prey? |
Happy tree watching!
As ever, please feel free to comment or correct. I am very much feeling my way as I go. Meanwhile I will leave you with my latest list ...
Silver Birch Sighting Update
I have marked the 'wild things' seen during this last month in
Avian sightings (on, in and around the Silver Birch, seen at any time since I began Lucy's Tree Following project over a year ago) are shown in pink.
- TFb1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
- TFb2 Great tit (several, often on feeder)
- TFb3 Long-tailed Tit
- TFb4 Blackbird (I saw four at once, but no sign of the bald one)
- TFb5 Song Thrush
- TFb6 Blue tit (several frequently on feeder)
- TFb7 Robin (frequent appearances)
- TFb8 Magpie (about three frequently around below the feeder)
- TFb9 Wood Pigeon (up to ten perching around the feeder area)
- TFb10 Dunnock (two frequently below feeder)
- TFb11 Starling (several on feeder, noisy!)
- TFb12 Carrion Crow (one every so often, once with nesting material in bill)
- TFb13 Goldfinch (a small charm on a couple of occasions)
- TFb14 Jay
- TFb15 Green Woodpecker
- TFb16 Wren
- TFb17 Bullfinch (a pair)
- TFb18 Sparrowhawk
- TFb19 Mallard (two pairs overhead - or was it the same pair twice?)
Mammal sightings include ...
- TFm1 (?Wood) Mouse
- TFm2 Bat ... STOP PRESS first 2015 garden sighting 7 May 2015 [Apr/May 2015]
- TFm3 Shrew
- TFm4 Grey Squirrel
On the
insect front, sightings include ...
- TFi1 Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly [March 2014]
TFi2 Buff-tailed Bumblebee [March 2014]
TFi3 Brimstone Butterfly [April 2014]
TFi4 7-spot Ladybird [April 2014] [October 2014] [Apr/May 2015]
- TFi5 Skipper Butterfly [July 2014]
- TFi6 Meadow Brown Butterfly [July 2014]
- TFi7 Large White Butterfly [July 2014]
- TFi8 14-spot Yellow Ladybirds [July 2014]
- TFi9 Small White Butterfly [May 2014] [Apr/May 2015]
- TFi10 Orange tip Butterfly [May 2014]
- TFi11 Harlequin ladybird [May 2014]
- TFi12 Garden Chafer (Phyllopertha horticola) [June 2014]
- TFi13 Ruby-tail Wasp
[June 2014]
- TFi14 Blackfly [June 2014]
- TFi15 Marmalade Hoverfly [July 2014]
- TFi16 Shield bug [July 2014] [Apr/May 2015]
- TFi17 Migrant Hawker
dragonflies [July 2014]
- TFi18 Unidentified Damselfly [August 2014]
- TFi19 Comma butterfly [August 2014]
- TFi20 Red Admiral butterfly [August 2014] [October 2014]
- TFi21 Peacock butterfly [August 2014]
- TFi22 Green bottle flies [August 2014]
- TFi23 Ants [August 2014] [Apr/May 2015]
- TFi24 Squashbug aka Dock Bug, Coreus marginatus [August 2014]
- TFi25 Birch Shieldbug (late instar?) [September 2014]
- TFi26 Lacewing [October 2014] (about fifteen)
- TFi27 Harlequin Ladybird [October 2014]
- TFi28 Moths (though not so many in December) [Nov/Dec 2014] [Feb/Mar 2015]
- TFi29 Cereal Leaf Beetle [Apr/May 2015]