Monday 12 March 2012

Seasonal Splash (6): Spring Sunset at Snape

Serenity . . .
Just before the light went, we managed to see our first Avocets of 2012 at Snape. They were not at very close range, but you could just make out their distinctive white and black forms with the naked eye - and they looked much better through binoculars!

We passed a toad crossing on our journey home, with a volunteer assisting these foolhardy creatures across the road. It brought back memories of toad-watching last Spring in South Wales. We have a toad tunnel in our local area, to allow the toads to cross from Landseer Park to Holywells Park in safety.

Toads in South Wales: last year's photo re-visited

Creatures of camouflage


J said...

You've outdone yourself with those sunset shots, Caroline - stunning! Particularly like the first with the solid, stolid, English oaks as foreground - somehow reminds me of the local scenery when I was a lad growing up in Hampshire.

Crafty Green Poet said...

what beautiful skies! Those toads are adorable! I'd love to see avocets...

Caroline Gill said...

Thank you, Jeremy. I would like to believe, though, that those dependable oaks have some character! Thank you, too, Juliet. We took a couple of pics of the Avocets, but the light was poor and the distance on this occasion was such that the photos weren't worth posting. Better luck next time!

Nature Rambles said...

Absolutely stunning captures, Caroline!

Mary said...

Gorgeous sunsets! Love the toads :-)