Friday 24 March 2017

More insects... and the first daisies

These photos are a bit of a mixed bag, taken in our garden in bursts of sunshine. The wind has been a chilly one, but in sheltered spots, there have been signs of insect life. 

The flowering currant is always a favourite with bees.

The most colourful corner - Flowering Currant and Forsythia

I was delighted to find this little clump of Daisies. May there be many more as the days grow longer. N.B. For those of us in the UK, the clocks change this weekend. 

And a first Dandelion in the garden, emerging round a paving slab.


Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos Caroline, it's always wonderful to see the first Spring flowers and bees. We saw our first bumble bee yesterday - honey bees started appearing a while ago

Simon Douglas Thompson said...

Lovely shots! Buff tail and common carder queens seem to be the main species about at the moment of the bumbles, solitary bees out today.

Andrea said...

Hello Caroline, they are truly very colorful. I am glad you are now having the warmth outside and having the colors, Happy Spring!