Monday 10 June 2024

The New 'Wild Spaces' Project From Butterfly Conservation


David and I joined Butterfly Conservation at the start of the lockdowns. For the last two years I have been counting butterflies for the Garden Butterfly Survey. 

Butterfly Conservation has launched a new initiative called 'Wild Spaces'. Participants have the chance to write about their particular wild space and to post photographs. They also have the opportunity to see who else is taking part in their area (for obvious security reasons actual addresses are not shown).  

You can read about the project here

Sadly, with a few exceptions such as Holly Blue and Orange Tip, this has not been a good start to the 'butterfly season' for us in our neck of the woods. We noticed that Matthew Oates was saying much the same on X (Twitter) today. However, we finally saw our first Meadow Brown on Saturday, so perhaps things will start to pick up ...


1 comment:

Ragged Robin said...

That looks an interesitng project. I do add my records to the BC Garden Butterfly Survey too. It has been a really poor year so far for butterflies and bumble bees. Quite worrying.