Monday 30 January 2023

Lambs at NT Sutton Hoo, a Late Arrival to Our Feeders ... and Seasonal Signs at SWT Martlesham Wilds

Muntjac at Sutton Hoo (two of three spotted) ...

Lambs! In January! Sheer joy. And lapwings

The wobbly stage ...

Back in the garden ... this semi-regular turned up 24 hours after my count ...

Isn't he handsome?

Time for a bit of argy-bargy. Just look at the barring on the underwing.

Back at Martlesham Wilds ... the Barn Owl's view,

and the view looking in the opposite direction towards the River Deben.

Curlew, but all at quite a distance. Over 15 counted.

The humble, beautiful Daisy.

More snowdrops in Martlesham Churchyard

My first Aconite of 2023 ...

... and my first Crocus.



  1. Hello,
    Love the sweet lambs, the woodpecker and the Curlew. Wonderful sightings and photos.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. Spring flowers and spring lambs are wonderful to see. You have some great birds at the feeders. Enjoyed all of you photos.

  3. Those lambs are so very cute :) Great to see Lapwings, Curlew, Snowdrops in flower and aconite :) It looks a wonderful place to walk.
