Wednesday 1 February 2023

A Welcome Visitor


I am not sure where I took this photograph of a Greenfinch, but it was some years ago and it was not in our garden. We had visits from these delightful birds when we moved to suburban Suffolk a decade ago, but with the increase in Trichomonosis, numbers dwindled until they no longer came at all. And then a single one appeared briefly on 6 February 2020, bringing a glimmer of hope.

In the wake of our RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, I said to David how good it would be to have Greenfinches again ... and (this to me sounds more like fantasy or fiction), lo and behold, when we looked, there was a Greenfinch, tucking into the peanuts outside our window. Of course, my camera was in another part of the house and the bird did not hang around for long, but never mind. 

Time to update my home-patch list and replenish our nut supply.



  1. Lovely bird and a great visitor!
    Take care, have a great day!

  2. Great news - hope it returns. We rarely get them these days but one did visit when we had that cold spell last month.
