Saturday 28 January 2023

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023


The first Robin

We settled down this morning with binoculars, mugs of coffee, a pen and a recording sheet to do our bird survey. 

It was a reasonable, fairly nondescript, January morning here in suburban Suffolk. Our bird feeder was hung about with fat-filled coconut, peanuts and sunflower hearts. 

As ever, one or two of the 'regulars' failed to put in an appearance, notably the Great spotted woodpecker, Goldfinches and Wren; but never mind.

We spotted twelve species in the hour, which we felt was encouraging but not brilliant. Sadly, we hardly ever see Chaffinches, Bullfinches or Greenfinches in the garden these days.  

These are our results:

  1. Blue tit - 8 
  2. Woodpigeon - 8 
  3. House sparrow - 3 
  4. Starling - 3 
  5. Blackbird - 2 
  6. Dunnock - 2 
  7. Great tit - 2 
  8. Robin - 2 
  9. Long-tailed tit - 1 
  10. Magpie - 1

We also saw a Jay (11.) and a Feral Pigeon (12.), though these species do not appear on the RSPB checklist.  

I wonder how your count went. Perhaps you are still hoping to do one. 

Blue tit, Starling, Great tit

Blue tits, head to head

The action!

More Blue tits





  1. Many thanks for sharing your results, I enjoyed your photographs.
    It's always nice to see a robin, they are my favourite bird :)

    All the best Jan

  2. Interesting to read your results. A good total :) More than me!!! Most of the regulars turned up here but not the less frequent visitors.

  3. Lovely photos, Caroline! I love the action shots of the blue tits!
