Friday 8 July 2022

Update: Butterflies in the Garden


Latest First Garden Sighting of 2022, seen this evening at 19.30 hrs

I shall return to my holiday sightings soon (this was my Swallowtail post, in case you missed it); but I am interrupting the sequence to add my latest garden sightings, along with the latest addition, as shown above. 

Once again I am taking part in the Butterfly Conservation 'Garden Butterfly Survey'. The chart below shows my 2022 records from the beginning of the year up until yesterday. 


Some of you will know that we signed a Suffolk Wildlife Trust pledge, saying 'no to the mow'. I think the long grass of our suburban micro-meadow is beginning to pay dividends. I hope the Buddleias, several of them self-seeded, make a positive difference, too.

Total: 17 species ... and counting.


  1. All those butterflies. Science and beauty, combined.



  2. Wow! So that's where all the butterflies are hiding!

  3. Thank you, Kay and CGP, for your kind comments. We tend to spend coffee breaks counting butterflies, and two pairs of eyes certainly helps.
