Thursday 16 June 2022

Garden Sightings


We were so pleased to see that this beautiful Hummingbird Hawkmoth had found a clump of self-seeded Valerian in our wild garden. It is only the second we have seen here since we moved in a decade ago. And speaking of moving in ...

I am so thrilled to see a bee investigating our new (for 2022) bee house. Our old bee houses have been taken over by ants.



  1. Great photo of the hummingbird moth!

  2. Great sighting and photo Caroline. We've had them here sometimes in the past on Valerian and I have been looking but none yet this year. Glad to hear new bee hotels are busy. We have mason and leaf cutter bees on ours and a ichneumon wasp around that looks as though it may parasitise the eggs! Lots of life in the garden now but not so many bees, hoverflies or butterflies yet.

  3. How wonderful to see a hummingbird hawkmoth, they're such amazing creatures! Lovely to have the bees too

  4. Oh! I so want to see a hummingbird hawk moth, they seem amazing. About 10 years ago Jamie said “I saw a moth, it was just like a hummingbird” but that was the first and last sighting for either of us 😞
