Friday 4 June 2021

#30DaysWild, 3rd and 4th June, False Widow Alert

I'm running a bit behind already, but never mind. I wonder what you make of my spider discoveries! I have posted the bulbous creature in the two top photos and the thin skeletal one in the two lower ones on iSpot, and will see if folk are able to confirm my guesses of False Widow (above) and moulting Harvestman (below). Both were seen in our garden on 3rd June, the top spider at the entrance to a cavity in our brickwork. 

If you can help with either of these IDs, do leave a comment. I will keep you posted. 



#30DaysWild, 4th June - I checked iSpot. 

It seems I am no further forward with the photo immediately above, but three iSpotters have pretty much confirmed my hunch that the top photos do indeed show a False Widow ... in the cavity wall of our home. This is not quite the #30DaysWild I was expecting!

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