Saturday 5 June 2021

#30DaysWild, 5 June ... a Butterfly at the Beach


There are some advantages in living close to the container port of Felixstowe ... and one of these must surely be the fact that it is possible at this time of year to see Painted Ladies as they fly into land after their long migrations. The photograph above was taken this evening at about 18.45 hrs. It was fairly sunny and mild. We saw four of these beautiful butterflies in total, a 300% increase on our total Painted Lady sightings for 2020.


  1. There are so many of them this year. I saw two yesterday and one was on the beach. B

  2. Pretty shots of the Painted Lady!
    Happy Sunday, have a great new week!

  3. Looks like you are enjoying 30 Days Wild. Wonderful to see the Painted Lady. I wonder if this is going to be a good year for them? Still not seeing many butterflies here.
