Wednesday 2 June 2021

2nd June 2021: #30DaysWild, Day 2



I have three garden sightings to report so far today (and a fourth, though I was not the one to see it).

[1] My first Small Copper of the year, which you see above.

[2] A bee flying in and out of one of our insect houses, despite the ant invasion. I failed to photograph the bee, though you can see the ants making their presence felt in the photo below, taken a few days ago. I hope the bee will prove to be a Leaf-cutter, which is what we had last year. 

[3] The blackbirds were making loud (?alarm) calls last night at dusk. We failed to see evidence of a magpie, jay or cat ... but this morning Star the female was perching in front of a rotund and fluffy semi-fledgling. No wonder Star has been such an active hunter-gatherer recently. 

... and ...

[4] from David, the first 2021 sighting of a Red Damselfly in the garden.  


Hard to tell if there are signs yet of leaf or bee!


Ant invasion!

I wonder what you have been doing or finding for Day 2 of #30DaysWild ...



  1. Lovely Small Copper, I’ve yet to spot one this year. Blackbirds very vociferous in the garden today along with many sparrows and their fledglings. B x

  2. still waiting to see a small copper but did see my first Small heath Butterfly this week, my bee hotels have been very busy this week in the warm sunshine.

  3. That Small Copper is beautiful.

    All the best Jan
