Tuesday 1 June 2021

1st June 2021: #30DaysWild, Day 1


I have filled in my #30DaysWild placemat. The day certainly warmed up later on; but unlike yesterday, there were few butterflies about. 

Star, the female Blackbird, was much in evidence. She seems to like the grassy path that snakes around our micro-meadow garden, and we often see her leaping for insects. We have a profusion of craneflies. 


  1. This is great! Though I'm taking part in 30 Days Wild, I'm (as usual) just doing my own thing rather than following the prompts. This is a really nice idea though and I should make a point of taking a flask of tea on a walk some time and filling in a placemat!

  2. Hello,

    Love the 30 day wild placemat. I have seen most of these in my yard.
    I do not often see the house Sparrows, the Chipping Sparrows are more common here.
    I am seeing lots of butterflies, moths and bees.
    Take care, enjoy your day!
