Thursday 13 May 2021

A Garden Surprise of the Green-Winged Kind


I was thrilled to find what I think is a Fairy Longhorn Moth from the family Adelidae in our garden yesterday. We usually have a few each year; they are such fascinating insects. 
I was also keeping an eye out for butterflies yesterday afternoon when I thought I saw what at first seemed to be a 'metallic moth' with iridescent outer wings. I was a good few metres away and reliant on my camera's 30x zoom. It seemed worth a go, though by then I was shooting blind into the Euonymus leaves you see below. I blew the picture up today, and while the quality is poor, I think you will agree that there is a Green Hairstreak lurking in the photo. I am particularly delighted as this is a species I have only encountered about four times before, and now I have three garden records and another butterfly to add to my Garden Butterfly Survey list.  


  1. Wonderful!!! It looks like a Green Hairstreak to me!! You are so fortunate - it is one species I have never managed to see!! Great "tick" for the garden.

  2. How wonderful, such a beautiful butterfly to have in your garden, Fairy Longhorn Moth are round here but not managed to see one so far this year.
    Amanda x
