Friday 5 February 2021

Early Signs of Spring

I thought I would post a few photographs from my time in the garden this morning. Despite a downpour yesterday, there is hardly any water in the old tray at present, but these spiders were making the most of the sunshine.

Way ahead of St David's Day, we were thrilled to see these buds. 

Our soil doesn't seem particularly suited to Snowdrops, but it is always a joy to peer under the Hydrangea and see these small white harbingers of spring.

I also noticed two Hellebore buds. 

And finally, these catkins beyond our garden fence were turning gold in the sunlight.  


  1. It's constant rain here at the moment so it's lovely to see all your photos of Spring on its way! We do have a lot of snowdrops starting to bloom....

  2. Such a hopeful message. In your garden. Thank you.

  3. Lovely signs of Spring :) We have a few snowdrops and I spotted some cyclamen in flower today. But no sign of daffodil buds.
