Tuesday 2 February 2021

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, 2021


A bird watch has to begin somewhere, and mine began with the small but distinctive features of this beautiful Blue tit, almost hidden in a woody patch beneath one of our coconut feeders. The three images below show that other sightings were to follow.

As you can see, I finally succeeded in uploading my Big Garden Birdwatch Results for 2021 on to the RSPB site. There are not really any surprises on my list, although, typically, Long-tailed tits and Wood Pigeons have been around in much greater numbers since my counting hour. 

Ours is a medium-sized suburban garden. It is in close proximity to a Local Nature Reserve. We have a mix of trees, shrubs and the somewhat battered stalks of last year's long grass. Our sandy soil contains a fair amount of old builders' rubble. 

We usually put out fatballs with seeds or mealworms. We replenished our supply of these, adding a new canister of sunflower seeds, which attracted the Goldfinches. 

I wonder what birds you were able to count. Results can be uploaded, I believe, for the next few days (possibly until 19 February, but do check). Here are a few photos of our avian visitors, taken from behind double-glazing ...


female Blackbird

Long-tailed tit


Blue tit



  1. Well done Caroline, great post, pictures and information.

    Happy February Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  2. Great work! I encouraged people to take part, but didn't myself - no birds in my back yard!

  3. Great that you saw so many birds, Caroline! We generally do our Big Garden Birdwatch in a local park, but COVID meant that the RSPB advised people not to do that as the police had said they would move people on if they were birdwatching for more than 10 minutes!

  4. Oh and I love that first photo of the blue tit!

  5. Lovely photos and a good count :) Thank you for reminding me I still have to upload my results. I never do it straight away as website can be affected by everyone trying to do it!
