Sunday 7 February 2021

Snow on snow . . .

I have not ventured out beyond my patio door, but here are some of the avian visitors who came to our garden today. I gather there are Redwings and Fieldfare in the vicinity, but I have yet to see any this year. As for the snow, well, it is probably the most we have had since we moved in to our current house about nine years ago!



  1. Lovely snowy photos of your garden and birds. You seem to have had a lot of snow! Not much here - very cold, sunshine and light snow showers at the moment. I usually put apples out to attract Redwings and Fieldfares but usually they only appear in the garden if weather is very snowy.

  2. Beautiful snowy photos! You seem to have had even more snow than we have!

  3. Such lovely snowy pictures.
    Keep warm :)

    All the best Jan
