Tuesday 9 June 2020

Day 9 #30DaysWild - Further Knapweed Developments

Those who have followed this blog for the last couple of days will know that I have been keeping a close eye on a Common Knapweed plant which has sprung up in our unmown garden. There is still only one flower, but it is keeping the insects busy. Today I noticed this bee collecting pollen.

I am not sure what tiny insect this might be at the end of my white line above. We have Mint Moths in the garden at present, but it didn't seem to be one of those, and I was unable to get a better picture. I'm not sure what the black staining is: do let me know if you do. Perhaps it is something to do with the Blackfly?

No prizes for recognising the ant. 

This small fly in the photo above was in a particularly tricky part of the plant to reach. I am not entirely sure what it is, but I think it may be a species of Tephritid fly.

I apologise for the quality of some of today's photographs: I think the lack of good light was a factor and in some cases the small size of the insects. Perhaps I changed settings on the camera inadvertently. In any case, you will still be able to see that there are at least three species in the photo above. Three of yesterday's green larvae had disappeared (and I am still waiting for an ID from iSpot). I don't know whether their disappearance was due to predation: we have about 20 young Blue tits in the garden at present, along with a Great Spotted Woodpecker, nesting Blackbirds and hungry Great tits. You can see the remaining caterpillar at the end of line 2 above. I feel sure that the rimmed Pine Ladybird (line 3) was heading for the Blackfly (line 1).


I took a last daylight 'look around' at about 6pm. There were five 7-spot Ladybirds on the Knapweed. I went out one last time once it was almost dark to watch the Cockchafers zooming round the Acer and Silver Birch. 

I wonder what tomorrow will bring. I am longing to see more butterflies in the garden, but it has been too cold this week for more than a single sighting.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely insect sightings Caroline! I can't help with any of the identifications though!
