Wednesday 10 June 2020

Day 10: #30DaysWildCreativity 'Rain'

Today's challenge for #30DaysWildCreativity on Dr Miriam Darlington's Facebook page has 'rain' as its focus. I had hoped I might have written a poem or thrown a few links to favourite rain poems by others, but time ran out on me, so I set myself the task of making these lists of rain-related words and phrases. Unfortunately I failed to get them all on one word cloud, so I added a second. I wonder what you would have included. 

As you can see, we have had a few rain showers here in Suffolk today. It has been very overcast and rather cool. I expect the Hostas will benefit from the moisture, though I expect it will lure the slugs and snails out of their crevices! 


  1. Two from Yorkshire: "mizzle" and "raining stair-rods".

  2. We've had a lot of rain this month too (we needed it after such a dry May!). I like the word clouds, some great words in there (specially petrichor).

  3. What a lovely idea :) Reminds me of the Robert MacFarlane book on words little used these days! Rain here today but the garden and countryside need it.

  4. Thank you, Roman, CGP and RR, for your kind comments. I misread your comment, CGP, and thought you meant that you liked the sound of the word 'clouds', which to me does sound 'cloudlike' and billowy! Not something I had ever consciously thought about before. And, yes, RR, I think I first encountered 'petrichor' on one of Robert Macfarlane's 'words of the day' Tweets.

  5. I like your rain clouds. Having two keeps the words spread out and readable. Rain is all very well but I wish it could be WARM rain! After all, it is supposed to be June!
