Monday 15 June 2020

Day 15 #30DaysWild, 15 June: My Wildlife Photos

Swallowtail larva, Norfolk
Today is #NaturePhotographyDay so I thought I would post a few fairly random photographs from my collection, some with a caption but largely without explanation, for #30DaysWild. I hope you like them. Due to issues with my hands I cannot use a digital SLR, so these were taken on Lumix cameras. 

Loch Carron, Scotland

Frog, Peloponnese

'Mabel', the well-loved Tawny Owl

Taken with camera zoom extended on an official boat trip from Skye


  1. Lovely collection of photographs :)

    All the best Jan

  2. lovely photos Caroline, Mabel looks very sweet!

  3. What a lovely set of photos. Particularly love the Swallowtail larva :)
