Tuesday 16 June 2020

Day 16 #30DaysWildCreativity: Welcome to the night

Dr Miriam Darlington's #30DaysWildCreativity activity for today is to respond to the phrase 'Welcome to the night'. Since my camera flash is barely adequate for night-time photography and since I feel more at home with image than sound, I decided to make a collage of some of my crepuscular photos. The photographs were taken 
  • at home (Swallowtail moth, hedgehog) 
  • elsewhere in a Suffolk (Barn owl and 'Mabel' the Tawny owl) 
  • on Lindisfarne (Curlew, moon, murmuration, birds on rocks, rabbit), 
  • in South Wales (stag) 
  • in the Kilmartin area of Scotland (Common toad). 
This, of course, leaves the owls and the mouse on the organ, who were spotted in a church in Cornwall, and have been included to represent a night time soundscape!


  1. Night time wildlife is lovely, I particularly like batwatching!

  2. Yes, CGP, so do I... sadly I couldn't find a bat pic. in my collection, though I think I have a rather poor one!

  3. A delightful set of photos. Rarely take my camera out at night - but food for thought.
