Sunday 14 June 2020

Day 14 #30DaysWild and #30DaysWildCreativity: Our Micro-Meadow

Dr Miriam Darlington's #30DaysWildCreativity for today addresses the matter of 'how people and nature weave together and cohabit'. I decided my response, and I fear it's not as 'creative' as I would like it to be, would be to show some of the ways in which we have turned our 'lawn' of last year into a micro-meadow, as a result of a pledge we made at the 2019 Suffolk Wildlife Trust Summit

Already we have reaped the benefit of new butterflies to the 'garden', notably the Green Hairstreak...

... and the Small Heath. 

We quite often have perhaps one sighting a year of a Stag Beetle in the air, and, indeed I watched one last night, just as it was getting dark; but yesterday afternoon we also found this female climbing our wall...

This afternoon we had what I'm guessing is a Blue-tailed Damselfly in the long grass along with a variety of bees and a few 7-spot ladybirds. 

I have been keeping a species list for some years of the wild species who share our suburban Suffolk garden with us. I am so nearly up to 100 in the insect section. I hope to reach that target, probably with the help of the kind folk at iSpot, in the next few days.


  1. What a wonderful project this is and I like the way you have listed all of your sightings. Very interesting. All good wishes.

  2. What a lovely little meadow. I can just imagine how teeming with wildlife it must be!
