Friday 9 June 2017

My BBC Springwatch SOS Wildflower Trough (4) - First Flowers

I am delighted to report that the first pollinators like the bee above are visiting my wildflower trough.

I have to say, though, that the flowers thus far bare no resemblance (as far as I can tell) to the pictures on the seed box! This charlock/mustard/oilseed rape-like plant is very tall, far too tall to stay upright in the windy conditions. When a stalk topples over, it takes any number of more delicate plants with it, which is a shame, particularly since most of these are barely in bud yet.

There have been a number of these bugs, which, thanks to the kind people on iSpot, I now know is a Cabbage Bug (Eurydema (Eurydema) oleracea).

You can just make out my trough up against the trellis, behind the Begonias and Nasturtiums. Those yellow flowers must be a metre high. 


  1. What a good idea, super photo of the Cabbage bug.
    Amanda xx

  2. "I am delighted to report that the first pollinators like the bee above are visiting my wildflower trough."

    That really is good to read

    All the best Jan
