Saturday 10 June 2017

Butterflies at NT Wicken Fen

We have just returned from a day at NT Wicken Fen, where we were particularly keen to look for butterflies and dragonflies, but I couldn't resist this magnificent cockerel in the grounds of the Fenman's Cottage, which you can see below.

This is the start of the trail... (and as you can see, it was pretty warm, even in the dappled shade)...

 David tried out my pocket field glass on an obliging Skipper...

I particularly like Brimstones, and there were a few of these about...

... and one or two Red Admirals. 

We reckoned this tree was oozing sap or something as there were two flies, the Red Admiral in the photo above and a huge Hornet all in the space of a few centimetres. 

The Brimstones were still there on our way back up the path to the visitors' centre. We also saw one Peacock (which landed on my shirt) and one Holly Blue.

By the early evening, there were plenty of Small Tortoiseshells. I suspect the very warm weather had something to do with this.

It is always a joy to watch the Marsh Harriers, birds that were considered very rare during my teenage years...

 And as for the dragonflies, well, they will have to wait for another post.


  1. Lovely to see all those butterflies, Caroline! And marsh harriers are wonderful,

  2. Oh, Dear Caroline! I've never seen such unusual butterflies--in particular the one that looks like a leaf. I'll go back in and look again, but probably not remember their names. Thanks for Wicken Fen!

  3. Your butterflies are magnificent, Caroline. All! The butterfly that looks like a leaf took my breath away. Grateful for your journey to Wicken Fen.

    Kay Weeks

  4. You've got some great photographs here Caroline.
    Lovely to see the scenes as well as the wildlife ... beautiful.

    All the best Jan
