Friday 2 June 2017

Peregrine Falcon on the Salisbury Cathedral Spire

We have been enjoying the nesting Peregrines at Salisbury Cathedral on BBC Springwatch this week, and yesterday we were in Salisbury for my father's book launch - and were able to catch a glimpse of one of the Peregrines for ourselves.

We had not taken binoculars with us but, as you can see, we were able to see the Peregrine with the naked eye. It was a thrill to see the adult bird circling round the spire and heading off and coming back. I do hope this last remaining chick survives... 


  1. So wonderful to see Caroline, great shots against that blue sky.

    All the best Jan

  2. How great to see, we do have some not far from us, must try and see them this year..
    Amanda x

  3. We've been watching them on Springwatch, how exciting to see them in real life! There seem to be fewer peregrines in Edinburgh now than there were a few years ago
