Friday 10 January 2014

Beautiful Birds ~ Home Patch and the Shotley Peninsula

This Blackbird has a leucistic stripe on his wing - it isn't just the light in the photo.

We usually have a couple of Dunnocks in the garden ...

... and the Wren has reappeared ...

... such a delightful little bird ...

... to have popping up in unexpected corners.
Yesterday afternoon I drove along the River Orwell ...

... to the Shotley Peninsula ...

... passing this flock of Canada Geese.

I took a short detour to visit Pin Mill ...

... where the sun was shining on the water ...

... and I could hear a Curlew in the distance.

There were a couple of Redshanks ...

... wading about in the mud.

I'm puzzled by this bird ... is it Red-, Green- or other?

Such a lovely place ...

... to be ...

... on a sunny afternoon in winter.


  1. I have yet to get a decent wren picture this year or, in fact, any year, so take vicarious pleasure in yours!

  2. Lovely photos, Caroline, specially your wren.

    Your mystery bird is I think a godwit, probably a bar tailed.

  3. All of your photos are so great. I am always amazed at seeing the tide being out. My son lives in main along the Atlantic and the tide drastically goes out there also. Our cold winters of white make these photos look so warm with color and green.

  4. Nice ones, Caroline. Is your unknown a willet perhaps?

  5. Looks like a pretty day to be out birding. The birds are beautiful, love the cute wren! Happy Birding!
