Monday 13 January 2014

RSPB Minsmere ~ Otters and Marsh Harriers

We had barely sat down in the hide at RSPB Minsmere when we saw this Marsh Harrier coursing the marsh ...

... in the fading sunlight.

An eerie juxtaposition: the stately Marsh Harrier flying in front of Sizewell Nucear Power Station.

Swans were flying inland towards Island mere ...

... while the Harrier kept turning and swooping,

hovering and lifting ...

hovering ...

... and soaring.

Suddenly there were two ...

... followed by two Red Deer does.
This little dyke seemed pretty still ...

... when all of a sudden there was the flick of a tail ...

... and the telltale ring of bright water

It became apparent that there were two Otters swimming backwards and forwards.

Every so often a dark shape would emerge ...

... and at one point this Otter swam across with a fish in its mouth.

Such a magnificent sight, and one I have never seen at Minsmere before ...

... though we kept looking in the hope that it was only a matter of time.

What fabulous creatures!

Soon there was a scuffle and a ripple ... and the otters disappeared. 

But there was one last surprise in store ...

... our first Common Scoter (a drake).

This is such a magnificent reserve ...

... with its history (chapel remains of the former Leiston Abbey), Harriers ...

... and swathes of East Anglian light.


  1. Lovely photos Caroline. How exciting to see the otter, such lovely creatures. Even more exciting to see the marsh harrier, a bird I've never seen.

  2. I love watching the Harriers in flight! And cool sighting of the otters. Great photos and post. Enjoy your week ahead!

  3. I've only seen an otter in the zoo in foreign lands! But those vast grasslands look so fabulous in photos, whether in sepia, black and white, or just white like that first one. The inclusion of birds just heightened the drama, in an otherwise very serene landscape. Best regards Caroline.
