Monday 6 January 2014

Bird List 2014 ~ New Birds Added

I mentioned in my last post that the Great Spotted Woodpecker was the last to hop on to my home patch list for 2013. I forgot to add that a Dartford Warbler was the last bird of 2013 to take a perch in my list for birds seen elsewhere ... in this case at Dunwich Heath.

I have a few birds to add to my 2014 list as a result of a bracing walk at Minsmere ...

Cormorant, RSPB Minsmere, 2014

Blue indicates that the bird was seen somewhere other than on my home patch or at Minsmere.
Yellow indicates my home patch.
Purple indicates Minsmere. 

If you click on the bird names in the list immediately below, you will be taken to the RSPB site about the species mentioned.
  1. Bar-tailed Godwit (1 bird, 9 January, Pin Mill) 
  2. Barn Owl (1 bird, 12 January, Minsmere) 
  3. Blackbird (1 bird, male, leucistic stripe, 8 January, home patch)
  4. Black-headed Gull (about 25, 3 January, Woodbridge)
  5. Blue tit (2 birds, 2 January, home patch) 
  6. Buzzard (1 bird, 11 January, near Eyke)
  7. Canada Goose (small flock, 9 January, Wherstead)
  8. Carrion Crow (about 20, 5 January, field near Leiston)
  9. Chaffinch (2 birds, 5 January, Minsmere)
  10. Collared Dove (1 bird, 5 January, up the lane from Minsmere reserve)
  11. Common Scoter (1 bird, 12 January, Minsmere) - red conservation status
  12. Cormorant (several, 4 and 5 January, Minsmere and Ipswich Waterfront)
  13. Curlew (2 birds, 19 January, Minsmere)
  14. Dunnock (1 bird, 5 January, Minsmere) 
  15. Great Northern Diver (1 bird, 16 January, Alton Water, Shotley Peninsula)
  16. Great tit (2 birds, 4 January, home patch)
  17. Green Woodpecker (1 bird, 12 January, Minsmere)
  18. Greenfinch (7 birds, 5 January, Minsmere) 
  19. Greylag Goose (small flock, 16 January, Wherstead)  
  20. House Sparrow (4 birds, 12 January, Minsmere)
  21. Herring Gull (1 bird, 3 January, Woodbridge) - red conservation status
  22. Kestrel (2 birds, 5 January, Rendlesham)
  23. Lapwing (9 birds, 4 January, Woodbridge) - red conservation status
  24. Long-tailed tit (3 birds, 2 January, home patch)
  25. Magpie (2 birds, 2 January, home patch) 
  26. Mallard (1 bird, 5 January, Minsmere) 
  27. Marsh Harrier (2 birds, 12 January, Minsmere)
  28. Moorhen (1 bird, 5 January, Minsmere)
  29. Mute Swan (2 birds, 3 January, Woodbridge) 
  30. Oystercatcher (1 bird, 16 January, Wherstead)
  31. Pheasant (1 female bird, 5 January, Minsmere)
  32. Redshank (2 birds, 9 January, Pin Mill)
  33. Robin (1 bird, 1 January, home patch) 
  34. Shelduck (8 birds, 19 January, Minsmere) 
  35. Shoveler (2 birds. 19 Januray, Minsmere)
  36. Song Thrush (1 bird, 17 January, home patch) - red conservation status
  37. Teal (about 20 birds, 19 January, Minsmere) 
  38. Turnstone (15 birds, 3 January, Woodbridge)
  39. Wigeon (about 10 birds) 16 January, Wherstead)
  40. Wood Pigeon (11 birds, 4 January, home patch)
  41. Wren (1 bird, 8 January, home patch) 

Greenfinch, RSPB Minsmere, 2014
Home Patch list for first sightings ...

  1. Blackbird (1 bird, male, leucistic stripe, 8 January)
  2. Blue tit (2 birds, 2 January)
  3. Chaffinch (1 bird, 8 January)
  4. Dunnock (1 bird, 8 January) 
  5. Great tit (2 birds, 4 January)
  6. Greenfinch (1 bird, 8 January) 
  7. Long-tailed tit (3 birds, 2 January)
  8. Magpie (2 birds, 2 January)
  9. Robin (1 bird, 1 January) 
  10. Song Thrush (1 bird, 17 January, home patch) - red conservation status
  11. Starling (1 bird, 10 January)
  12. Wood Pigeon (11 birds, 4 January)
  13. Wren (1 bird, 8 January)

First wild mammals of 2014 ...
  1. Grey Squirrel (1, 12 January, Minsmere)
  2. Muntjac Deer (1 doe, 11 January, Rendlesham Forest) 
  3. Otter (2, 12 January, Minsmere)  
  4. Rabbit (several, 5 January, Minsmere) 
  5. Red Deer (2 does, 12 January, Minsmere)
  6. Stoat (1 fleetingly, 12 January, Minsmere)

First arachnids of 2014 ...
  1. Unidentified spider (8 January, home patch)  

... and finally, these were my sightings for almost exactly a year ago. 

1 comment:

  1. It is nice added new birds to your list.. Love the greenfinch shot. Have a great week and happy birding!
