Wednesday 16 January 2013

Seasonal Splash: Birds in Snowbound Home Patch

We awoke to another snowy day, with frozen spiders' webs ...

... and a coating of (what seems to be) rime on the trees.

The Blue tits were very active ...

... but preferred the branch to the fat balls.

The Robin stared in at me ...

... before a little preening became essential.

He carefully covered his face with his wing.

Spot the Blue tit in this double-decker!

A pair of Chaffinches flew in but didn't stay long ...
... and as I write, the Blue tits are the busiest birds on the block.

All the above photos were taken through double-glazing, so my apologies if they are not as sharp as we would like them to be!

Enjoy the birds in your home patch - and I'll end with a seasonal reminder from the RSPB . . .


  1. They are all wonderful shots. My feeders seem busier again now as it is so much colder.

  2. beautiful photos, Caroline, we've not had anywhere like that amount of snow up here this year.

  3. The snow is REALLY deep here today so I've been out to feed the birds. They're looking pretty desperate! Lovely pictures, particularly the Robin covering its face. Keep safe in the snow Caroline.

  4. Lovely photos! Snow has just hit us here in Swansea / Carmarthenshire.
