Tuesday 15 January 2013

Nature Reserves: Minsmere (iridescent clouds)

We took a chilly walk at Minsmere last weekend . . .
... and enjoyed looking out from this hide.

We watched this pair of Mute Swans flying past (and spotted a couple of Marsh Harriers) ...

I think this shy Bullfinch delighted us the most!
As we turned to leave, I spotted this iridescent cloud ...
It changed as the sky around it darkened ...

 and seemed to be displaying more rainbow shades ...

... than those that can be seen in these photos.

A Muntjac deer appeared just as we were leaving.

I have watched a few coronas in Western Scotland, in places where there are frequent rainbows; but have not often seen these iridescent clouds in England. I suspect the cold temperatures were partly responsible and perhaps the quality of winter light by the sea. You might be interested in this site called 'Atmospheric Optics'.

2013 Bird list to date ...

1] Blue tit (HP = home patch)
2] Chaffinch (HP)
3] Wood Pigeon (HP)
4] Magpie (HP)
5] Mute Swans (Mistley and Flatford)

Second week update ...

6] Blackbird (HP)
7] Goldfinch (HP)
8] Great tit (HP)
9] Greenfinch (HP)
10] Robin (HP) 
11] Marsh harrier (Minsmere)
12] Black-headed gull (Minsmere)  
13] Bullfinch (Minsmere)
14] Song Thrush (HP)
15] Wren (HP)
16] Canada Goose (Needham Market)
17] Great Crested Grebe (Needham Market)
18] Mallard (Needham Market and Flatford)
19] White ?'garden escape' Pekin duck (Needham Market)
20] Moorhen (Needham Market)
21] Jay (HP)
22] Long-tailed tit (Minsmere)
23] Cormorant (Needham Market)
24] Turnstone (Southwold, Shotley)
25] Herring Gull (Southwold and Felixstowe) 
26] Shelduck (Minsmere)

Third week update 
27] Pheasant (Minsmere and Flatford)
28] Barn Owl (Flatford)
29] Carrion Crow (HP)
30] Starling (HP)
31] Pied Wagtail (Ipswich) 

My January Bird list for 2013 is a great improvement on last year's equivalent (though I spent part of the month of January 2012 in Philadelphia and New York and the rest in urban Ipswich). 

Other wildlife seen in 2013
  • Rabbit (Minsmere and Landguard, Felixstowe)
  • Muntjac deer (Minsmere)  


  1. Looks cold but beautiful! I loved the pictures of the iridescent cloud.

  2. Enjoyed your photos. and thanks for the link to the Atmospheric Optics - fascinating site.

  3. Looks like a great place to walk in nice weather. Love the Bullfinch. They are so pretty. Is that iridescent cloud the same as a Sun dog? Sort of looks like it. Thanks for the comments on my quilts :-)

  4. Yes, Mary, I think what I saw probably was a Sun Dog ... so thank you! I hope to find out whether Sun Dogs and Iridescent Clouds can be mutually exclusive!

  5. Hi Caroline, i've always wanted to walk with you, and certainly seeing the rainbow clouds in unknown to me! But we have double rainbows continuously from end to end, where the pot of gold is! haha.
