Friday 18 January 2013

Home Patch: Birds in the Snow

It's a snow white world ...
... in front of the wild wood.

The local Bluetits ...

... swoop in for a quick meal ...

They are experts ...

... at perching.

A small flock of Goldfinches ...

... pause for a brief moment.

I have also seen gulls and pigeons overhead, and a blackbird in the distance. I am wondering whether the Blue tits are the most regular visitors at present because ...

[a] they are the about the smallest birds around and need to re-fuel more frequently.

[b] they are the ones who like the seeded fatballs on offer.

[c] they tend to come in pairs or small groups and feel there is some safety in numbers.

[d] my home patch is considered their home patch! 

Do let me know if you have any thoughts on this ...

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos, birds are such splashes of colour in the snow!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog, yes the Fair Isle waxwings were amazing on Winterwatch weren't they?
