Saturday 13 October 2012

Seasonal Splash: Constable Country

A few large raindrops started falling as we wandered around Flatford ...

... but these did not trouble the Mute Swan ...

... or the Canada Geese.

These rosehips provided a welcome splash of red ...

... and the willows were turning yellow and gold.

A tranquil Stour scene (this electric boat is rather different from the 'John Constable' Lighter!) ...

... and another tranquil scene. I love the way the reflection makes the bill a deeper orange!

The last of the House Martins were so busy stocking up on the many midges ...

... that this one nearly missed his photo opportunity!

Bridge Cottage, Flatford ... quintessential Constable Country ...

... Flatford Mill.

It is always a joy to see Long-tailed Tits ...

... and plump Chaffinches ...

... and Cormorants.

The rain passed over and we enjoyed some stunning autumn light.

Mallard: time for a swim?
... definitely not!

The beautiful blues of the female Mallard

I really look forward to coming here to the Wildlife Garden in butterfly season ...


  1. Excellent photos, especially the one of the Bridge Cottage. They make me want to "cross the pond" (as we say over here in the U.S.) and visit Suffolk. Interestingly, I never knew you had mallards and Canada geese on your side of the Atlantic. Take care!

  2. What gorgeous photos. That Chaffinch is so bright it almost looks like a bullfinch!

  3. Beautiful images of all the birds! That swan is gorgeous and I like the reflections. Love the ducks and geese. This time of year is so neat. That boat is very unique and the cottage...wonderful! I would love to visit England again some much to see and enjoy. I've read a lot of English authors over the years and your photos make those books seem to come alive.
