Tuesday 9 October 2012

Seasonal Splash: Bryony Bracelet (or Tiara?)

Bryony berries ... of the Black or White Bryony variety?

On our way back from Oxburgh Hall last Saturday, we took a detour around Thetford to enable us to visit the remains of Weeting Castle. We parked by the church (what a gem - photo below!) and there behind us was a hedgerow bejewelled with Bryony berries.
St Mary's Church, Weeting ...

... and the adjacent remains of Weeting Castle. Notice the flint: the Grimes Graves flint mine site is only a couple of miles away.

What a stunning autumnal display ... in complementary colours! 

Beautiful they may be, but they are also HIGHLY TOXIC.
Black Bryony [Tamus communis] is more abundant in the south of Britain than in other regions. Itlacks tendrils, but climbs in a clockwise direction unlike White Bryony. I wish I had taken a photo of the leaves as these help with identification. White Bryony has tendrils and belongs to the marrow family: Black Bryony is related to the yam. I understand that frugivorous (fruit-eating) birds will be attracted to these berries in the latter part of the year ... but they are very poisonous for humans.  


  1. They are too pretty to be poison filled. I like all the shots.

  2. They're beautiful. I don't think I've seen them round here. It's all Rowan, Rowan, Rowan...

  3. What a beautiful church! Castle remains are so interesting. The berries are very pretty.

  4. isn't it always the way? Pretty berries that are poisonous!
