Monday 15 October 2012

Beautiful Birds: the Spoonbill in North Norfolk

Spoonbill (same family as Ibis)

Back in mid August 2012, we made our first visit to RSPB Titchwell Marsh on the North Norfolk coast. It is a splendid reserve, with good paths and hides. I had very much hoped to see a Spoonbill - a first for me - and we were not disappointed as there in among the geese, Avocets, Little Egrets and other wading birds were nine Spoonbills. What magnificent creatures they are! There is a newly established breeding colony a short way along the coast.

You can see a photo of 19 Spoonbills on the Titchwell lagoons here. You can read about the travels of a ringed Spoonbill here and here.

I have been meaning to post these pictures for a while! It is always a thrill to encounter a 'new' species for the first time!


  1. oh I'd love to see a spoonbill! Or an avocet for that matter! Lovely birds!

  2. What fabulous photos Caroline. I'm so glad I found you!
