Wednesday 17 October 2012

Seasonal Spash: Late Dragonflies at Snape

I visited Snape Maltings a few days ago ...

... and saw a Little Egret in the water ...

... and was surprised to find a few late dragonflies (Darters) beside the sponsors' names.

This one was basking in the muted sunshine on the boardwalk.

This is the view from said boardwalk, looking back to the concert hall ...

... and here are two more dragonflies!
Common Darters, apparently, can be seen as late as December ... so there may still be more to see. We watched a few Emperor Dragonflies at Flatford Mill last weekend, but they were far too quick for the camera!


  1. Are those red and green vines creeping on the building walls real? If I am the owner i will build two buildings with one vine red and one green! The natural painting is wonderful. The dragonflies are cute too!

  2. Yes, Andrea, the plants are real ... I think they are ivy (evergreen) and a kind of Virginia Creeper (red), but will check more carefully when I am there next.

  3. lovely dragonflies, Caroline! I've seen more this year than ever before!

  4. Yes, Juliet, I have also seen more than other years ... but really all on account of one day when there were almost clouds of them at Minsmere!
