Saturday 21 July 2012

Butterflies and Moths (10): At Sutton Hoo

This is the Sutton Hoo site, looking down towards Woodbridge ...

I think this is a Meadow Brown ...

I thought this was a Small Heath, with circle round 'eye' mark ... but I'm not sure the lower wing patterns match up.

A Meadow Brown among the Harebells

I think this is a Gatekeeper, with the two 'spots' in the eye-like wing marking
... and here with its wings closed.

This is the beautiful Small Copper ...

... and this is what it looks like when its wings are closed. See lower image here.

Here's another ...
... and another!
I saw a single Painted Lady.
A red-spotted caterpillar ... as yet unidentified!
You never quite know who you will meet around the corner at Sutton Hoo!
Seriously, I was thrilled to see a good number of butterflies, particularly since I haven't noticed many this year. I must go again soon, and do the Big Butterfly Count.

Oh, and I also some Skylarks and other creatures ...

Skylark hovering ...

... and one taking off.

There were one or two Damselflies ...
... and other insects, like this Sulphur Beetle
... and I mustn't forget the Grey Squirrel.


  1. Wonderful! I love that first shot with its colorful flowers. Beautiful butterflies. It has been so boring here....and everything so dead. I feel like I have seen very little this summer. You do see some strange sights (or should I say knights?)

  2. lovely selection of butterflies and other creatures! Small coppers are one of my favourites, such lovely little things!

  3. I think that's more butterflies than I've seen all summer, Caroline. Great selection of images, and I do like 'The Lark Ascending' shots. Think I did a project on Sutton Hoo at school, but it's that long ago I can barely remember!

  4. A great collection of sightings Caroline, Ive never managed to get a pic of a Skylark, well done, Linda
