Monday 23 July 2012

Herpetofauna (4): Common Lizard near Snape

Common Lizard
We were a few metres from the car at Iken Cliffs, on a walk back from Snape Maltings, when something caught my eye on an old tree stump. It was a female Common Lizard. She wasn't exactly basking in the sun, but I suspect she had been lured out by the warm temperatures. She was fairly well camouflaged, in her shadowy spot. These lizards are also known as Viviparous Lizards: they bear live young in cold areas and lay eggs in locations where the climate is warm. They tend to choose habitats with a mixture of sunlight and shadow, with open space to bask and cover for protection.
 I love the way in which the scales of her skin blend with the markings of the bark.
I wished I had had a bit longer to observe her, but there were other people coming up behind us on the narrow path, so we had to make way for them. This was my first lizard of 2012 ... and a fine specimen!
The iconic reedbed landscape between Iken Cliffs and Snape Maltings, Suffolk, England

1 comment:

  1. what a great spotting. i love lizards. they have such quick reflexes. i'm surprised she sat there as long as she did. she must have really been enjoying her bask. hope all is well. have a great day~
