Friday 20 July 2012

Nature Reserves (2): WWT Welney in the East Anglian Fens

Rainbow iridescence! Possibly Dock Beetles (Gastrophysa viridula) ...
We spent some wonderful hours at WWT Welney, and although the weather could hardly be described as a perfect summer day (dream on!), we thoroughly enjoyed all that the reserve has to offer. The highlights on this occasion were the mammals ... water voles (the prototype 'Ratty') and hares, but there were also other stars such as Avocets and grasshoppers.

Something was stirring in the river bed ...
... and a beady-eyed Water Vole ...
... emerged from the reeds.

A male Reed Bunting perched just outside one of the hides.
I'm not sure that this is the female ... but it was close by. Do you recognise it?
A Marsh Harrier caused some consternation as it flew overhead.
The Oystercatcher seemed unconcerned.
Sadly I don't think we saw a Butterfly ...
... but there were some great insects! I think these are Carpenter Bees ...

There had to be 7-Spot Ladybird (we actually saw two). The white insect is, I believe, small Lacewing.
We heard a Cuckoo (my 2nd this summer). It was perching on this wire some way off.

I love to see Avocets ...
... even at a distance.
We may not have seen butterflies, but this green caterpillar was stunning!
It was too windy for Dragons, but we saw one or two Damselflies ...

... in sheltered spots ...

... and quite a few Grasshoppers.
These distant ears were unmistakable!
... but the Hare didn't hang about for long!
Welney ... what a great place!


  1. This is wonderful, Caroline! Thanks for sharing. I gasped over and over!

    Ellicott City, MD

  2. what a wonderful place! I'd love to see avocets! I like your photos of the reed buntings, such handsome birds and a nice song too, there are a few of them around the coastal paths and Lagoons in Musselburgh, near Edinburgh

  3. oh and how wonderful to see the water vole!

  4. Oh wow. You see and shoot a lot of good things. I liked your visit and thanks for identifying them. I was searching in my mind for damselfy the other day. Your refreshed my gray cells. I liked all the shots and even the lady bug was a great shot.
