Thursday 21 April 2011

Odonata (1): First Dragons and Damsels of 2011

I took a stroll around WWT Llanelli in the late afternoon sunshine, and was delighted to watch my first Dragon- and Damsel-flies of the season, which I have posted below. I am finding blue Damselflies particularly hard to identify!

Incidentally, my last 2010 sightings are here
You might also enjoy these previous posts:

I think these are examples of the Large Red Damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula (see 'Star of the Month')

As yet unidentified Blue Damselfly

A Blue Damselfly on a Horsetail

Blue Damselfly, with furled wings ~ not sure which species

A Hawker Dragonfly ... of some sort!

... and another shot of it.

Female Large Red Damselfly

... this time with wings outstretched.

A Hawker Dragonfly of some sort, possibly a female Emperor Dragonfly, Anax imperator*

P.S. My thanks to Neil - see his comment below and help with identification. I can now see those hairs!* You can check out the ID here.


  1. Wow nice haul of odonata! Im yet to see any!

    Ive had a crack at IDs:
    Your hawker is the hairy hawker/dragonfly

    The middle blue damsel may be a common blue damselfly and the other 2 look like azure damselflies

  2. What amazing photos! The leaves are the perfect new Spring green and you spotted so many dragon and damselflies. Terrific!
