Wednesday 20 April 2011

Seasonal Splash (8): Tadpole Time

We went to North Gower, and watched the Starlings cadging a ride over the saltmarsh ...

We were delighted to find our first Tadpoles of the season. We have since seen more in Carmarthenshire.


  1. What a wonderful day it must have been. I love the horses grazing. It is a different breed that I don't know about. I loved in the summer going to the pond and watching all the tadpoles swimming in and out and all around the edge of the pond.

  2. Looks like you were in a lovely spot ~ Interesting about symbiotic relationships between various species. Yay for tadpoles...and froglets :)

    Loved your Puffins, too!

  3. That's one smart starling Caroline. I'm on the lookout for frogspawn but I'm being given newt spawn tommorrow for my pond.

  4. Those Starlings are always lazy as I've seen them doing that myself. Saves flying I suppose!
