Tuesday 15 February 2011

Beautiful Birds (17): Ducks at Oxwich

This is the stunning view from the Oxwich hide, looking up towards Penrice Church on Gower in South Wales.

There were a few Ducks and Moorhens about.

Left: Moorhen, front: Shoveler

I think this is a male Teal, though the green eye-patch is barely visible.

I believe these are female Teal.

You can see the Teal's green eye-patch here quite clearly (front left).

P.S. Posting these duck photos was something of an afterthought, as they were somewhat 'incidental': I was really homing in on Swans and Snipe, and just took a few extra pictures as the ducks sailed by. Ducks, however, make good subjects in their own right, so I shall look out for future opportunities. Meanwhile, here is a particularly good duck photo tip from Austin Thomas.


  1. Looks like a perfect location to watch wildlife...and so nice to see a bluish sky, which has also added a nice tinge to the water!

  2. lovely photos, teals are suck cute little ducks! I've never seen a shoveller, but have recently found out where they can be seen in Edinburgh....
