Tuesday 15 February 2011

Beautiful Birds (16): Oystercatchers at Oxwich

Photo: © David Gill 2011

We left the Oxwich hide at about 4pm on Saturday afternoon and wandered on to the beach in search of Oystercatchers. At first there hardly seemed to be any about, but as we walked over the sand, they came into view. My thanks to David who was quick enough to photograph these birds as they did a rapid fly-past.

Photo: © David Gill 2011

It's not often that you see see the outstretched wings from above like this.

Photo: © David Gill 2011

Some birds preferred to test the breakers. I wondered what would happen when the waves broke over them ...

It was not only the Oystercatchers who were out enjoying the early Spring sunshine ... You might also enjoy these '♥alentine couples' on Mary's blog!


  1. beautiful photos, the oystercatchers look so pretty as they fly.

  2. Caroline,

    Love watching Oystercatchers. I recall seakayaking in South Carolina and seeing them everywhere for about a mile in the shell mounds.

  3. so lovely birds and beautiful photos.
