Monday 14 March 2022

First Comma of 2022

We had our first 2022 Comma sighting today.

The photos below (with the exception of the last one) show the Comma in our garden. I was fascinated by its proboscis, which it kept rolling up and unwinding ... as you will see. I would love to know what it was finding to eat. Incidentally, I found this site very informative about the butterfly proboscis - do take a look.

You can see the 'comma' shape clearly on this outer wing


And just to add a postscript. The small bee was still around this morning ... here it is flying towards its hole in our masonry.


  1. Lovely to see the Comma, a great series of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  2. Interesting comma behavior. Maybe it was just trying out all its parts if it recently emerged/awoken.

  3. Lovely photos of the comma, Caroline! It's amazing to see the tongue! Commas have relatively recently moved up into Scotland and are always a delight to see.

  4. Wonderful and lovely photos. All I've seen so far is the Red Admiral in the garden.

  5. What wonderful photos Caroline, makes me feel like it really is Spring! Enjoy what is left of the week - time seems to go by so quickly nowadays. All good wishes.

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments. It's been very overcast here today, so no butterflies, but hopefully there will soon be more spring sunshine on the way.

  7. Happy days when butterflies are back. I only spotted one rather ragged comma last year. Hopefully a few more this year. Lovely photos. B x
