Monday 14 March 2022

A New Butterfly Season


I always look forward to the start of what I might call the 'UK butterfly season', and it was a joy to see this Peacock in one of our wild 'borders' last week. 

I like to take part in the Butterfly Conservation 'Garden Butterfly Survey', which has been re-vamped for the new season. 

David and I both decided to submit three photos for the Suffolk branch of Butterfly Conservation's photographic competition this year. Our photographs were not among the top three winning ones, but do take a look here at those that were. Don't forget to scroll down when you are on the page so that you can see the detail in the full-size entries.


  1. I always look forward to the first butterfly of the year! None here yet though! Thanks for the link to the phto competition, there are some lovely photos there.

  2. This is beautiful. I like the colors.

  3. Beautiful and thanks for the link.

    All the best Jan
