Thursday 3 February 2022

Hemley and Kirton Creek on the River Deben


Kirton Creek

Last time we visited the village of Hemley, the footpath down to Kirton Creek was closed for maintenance. Last weekend we managed to get a little closer, but were forced to turn back by a waterlogged marsh, almost certainly on account of the combination of a particularly high tide and the storm winds. But we will try again, probably in the summer when the path should be more passable. 

I failed to get a photograph, but it was good to see a Marsh Harrier. These birds were so rare during my teenage years in Norfolk, but are not an uncommon site in this part of the world - if you are in the right habitat.

Across the Deben to the church of St Margaret of Antioch, Shottisham

Looking towards Ramsholt

Curlew overhead

All Saint's, Hemley, Suffolk


  1. Look at all that blue sky! Another great day to be out.

  2. I enjoyed seeing your photographs, and I agree with Wilma, what a wonderful blue sky.

    All the best Jan

  3. Lovely photos, Caroline and a great sighting of the marsh harrier. I've only ever seen one once, oddly enough in Shetland. No-one at first believed me, so I doubted myself until I read a rare bird report of a marsh harrier up there.

  4. Such lovely photos, what a delightful place to visit. All good wishes.
