Monday 28 February 2022

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus


Wishing you all

a very happy St David's Day. 


Spring is in the air at last, and we are delighted to have a few miniature daffodils in flower. We also have crocus, hellebore, cyclamen and miniature iris. 



I have spotted one of two queen bumblebees and a hoverfly, and hope it will not be long before I see my first butterfly of 2022. 


The spherical Wasp Spider egg-sac in the photo above rather looks as though it has been predated or come apart, perhaps due to the gales. I hope we will have more Wasp Spiders in the garden this coming summer, but it will be a case of 'wait and see'. 




  1. So much beauty in your garden!

  2. It is so great to see the spring flowering blooms.

  3. Belated Happy St David's Day, Caroline! This is a lovely selection of photos, it's always nice to see the spring flowers! I haven't seen any hoverflies or bees yet this year

  4. Belated Happy St David's Day. Lovely photos of your garden flowers - I love those little irises - we used to have some in the patio wall but they eventually disappeared. I do hope you see a butterfly soon.
