Saturday 16 October 2021

Trimley near Felixstowe: Last of the Summer ... Hops

It was certainly milder today in our part of Suffolk than it has been recently, but the day began with overcast skies and drizzle. By the afternoon it was looking a bit brighter. 
We ventured out to Trimley, above the river Orwell, near the port of Felixstowe, and were delighted to find a few decent bursts of autumn sunshine. It was lovely to see the final fling mounted by poppies and other wildflowers along the field margins. I was particularly surprised and delighted to see some hops in the hedgerow as these reminded me of the cultivated hop fields and accompanying oasthouses of my Kentish childhood. Our Harvest Festival baskets were often decorated with strands of hops, and I could never decide whether I liked or hated the distinctive scent!


I was quite surprised to find so many blackberries on the bushes

Rose hips ... which remind me of rosehip syrup, again from childhood days

What a large maize field!

You may be able to make out bits of harvested sweetcorn ...

I love to see wildflowers along those field margins ...

Hawthorn berries. It is definitely the season for hips and haws ...

... and hops!

Who can resist peering through a gap in a hedge?

Some creature, a mouse perhaps, has been enjoying this puffball!



  1. Lovely seeing all the autumnal fruits. Have also been admiring locally the odd Spindle bush & the very attractive fruits of Guelder Rose.

    I've only been to Trimley once which was to see a rare bird- a North American White-throated Sparrow. Though I'd seen plenty in Canada it was good to see one here. An attractive reserve for sure.

  2. Really lovely autumnal flowers. I love hops - they remind me of my childhood too and trips to Herefordshire. A super post :)

  3. Lovely photos, specially the wildflowers at the field margins
